Rabia - Owner Biaz Art Studio

About Me

Hi, I am Rabia Adnan and I am an artist.

I work on commissioned paintings and create my signature work as well. I actively immerse myself in the process of fulfilling the client’s requirements. Besides my art business, I love to read books and travel. Despite being a business graduate in Finance, I pursued my passion and developed a niche through my distinctive skill set and expertise. I get inspired by nature and still life mostly. Though I love exploring different mediums and have worked with watercolors, ink, pastels, and oil paints, my favourite medium is Acrylics.

I create still life and nature-inspired fine art. My work of art shows a love for nature, adventure, and travel. My message to passionate artists is to be consistent in your journey; your competition is no one but your self-doubts. Conquer your inner critic and keep yourself focused on your goals. As little by little, every day goes a long way!

"Make art and do it every day."

As far as I remember, my art journey began when I was 10. I had this incredible inclination towards drawing, painting, and making crafts. At school, I never got bored during Art lessons and got pretty excited when any creative project was assigned, regardless of the subject. At home, I would grab my art supplies and spend time making crafts or Art as a replacement for a nap. It was not just Art. Any creative pursuit would also become my leisure time activity an hour post lunch. Dancing on my favorite number, trying on different makeup styles, crafting a sculpture out of clay, or constructing a doll house are a few of the precious memories that have grown with me. Everything colorful, shining, and shimmering would be found in my cherished possessions. Be that as it may, I never saw myself as an artist in the years to come. Chose business studies with a major in Finance as my 4 years honors degree.

In my later years, I came out as a business graduate with a major in Finance. I was still unsure of the desk job I would end up with. I had my intuition constantly telling me to explore other avenues and find the true passion that would keep me pumped and enthusiastic about my goals. As Art and creativity always excited me I thought to give it a go. I learned to draw, sketch and paint in an art studio. Initially, I build up my portfolio in design and interior and conducted a solo exhibition in 2011. After I got married and was busy with kids my focus grew toward canvas art. I had painted in oils, watercolors, pastels, and ink before and now I wanted to explore acrylics. I bought several books on acrylic paintings by famous artists and started exploring the medium in all the possible ways that I could. Due to kids and a busy schedule, I would paint early mornings and an hour before bed.

I started a blog “Moms Canvas” as an inspiration for artist mothers who leave their passion after marriage and kids. In my blog, I explained all the possible ways that could help artist mothers balance art careers while raising creative kids. I started publishing interviews of successful artist moms to motivate myself and other moms in their initial art journey. I visited craft shows and galleries to keep reminding myself of my goals. On weekends, I started giving painting lessons to students of ages 5 years and above in an art studio. More recently, I chose to display my work at an art show and got a lot of insight into how art shows work.

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